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    Хаустов, А. В. (Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет).
    Колонка главного редактора / А. В. Хаустов // Аутизм и нарушения развития. - 2020. - Т. 18, № 3 (68). - С. 3. - ISSN 1994-1617

Dear Readers, Since 2013, Center on the Challenges of Autism: education, research, assistance, protection of rights with the participation of international experts in the field of support to people with autism spectrum disorders annually organizes the International Conference Autism. Challenges and Solutions. Stephen Edelson (USA), Executive Direсtor of the Autism Research Institute, is the permanent co-chairman of the conference committee. In 2018, both the Center on the Challenges of Autism and the editorial board of the Journal "Autism and Developmental Disorders" (Russia), which is published by the Federal Resource Center for Organization of Comprehensive Support to Children with ASD of MSUPE, mutually decided to cooperate in the context of publication of thematic journal issues. In 2019-2020, the Autism Research Institute became a partner of this initiative. Stephen Edelson took over as the guest thematic science editor. The result of this work is the current issue of the Journal. Выпуск освещает ключевые доклады, представленные на VII ежегодной конференции "Аутизм. Вызовы и решения", организованной и проведенной в апреле 2019 г. в Москве.  <РУСМАРК>